A grant, typically financial or otherwise quantifiable, of resources. Typically a [[funder]] sponsors some [[MonetaryAmount]] to an [[Organization]] or [[Person]], sometimes not necessarily via a dedicated or long-lived [[Project]], resulting in one or more outputs, or [[fundedItem]]s. For financial sponsorship, indicate the [[funder]] of a [[MonetaryGrant]]. For non-financial support, indicate [[sponsor]] of [[Grant]]s of resources (e.g. office space). Grants support activities directed towards some agreed collective goals, often but not always organized as [[Project]]s. Long-lived projects are sometimes sponsored by a variety of grants over time, but it is also common for a project to be associated with a single grant. The amount of a [[Grant]] is represented using [[amount]] as a [[MonetaryAmount]].
Instances of schema1:Grant can have the following properties:
schema1:Grant | ||||
schema1:fundedItem | 1 | |||
schema1:Thing | ||||
schema1:alternateName |
schema1:description | 1 | |||
schema1:identifier | 1 | |||
schema1:image | 1 | |||
schema1:name | 1 | 1 |
schema1:sameAs | ||||
schema1:url |
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix schema1: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
<> a sh:NodeShape ;
rdfs:label "Grant"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:comment "A grant, typically financial or otherwise quantifiable, of resources. Typically a [[funder]] sponsors some [[MonetaryAmount]] to an [[Organization]] or [[Person]], sometimes not necessarily via a dedicated or long-lived [[Project]], resulting in one or more outputs, or [[fundedItem]]s. For financial sponsorship, indicate the [[funder]] of a [[MonetaryGrant]]. For non-financial support, indicate [[sponsor]] of [[Grant]]s of resources (e.g. office space). Grants support activities directed towards some agreed collective goals, often but not always organized as [[Project]]s. Long-lived projects are sometimes sponsored by a variety of grants over time, but it is also common for a project to be associated with a single grant. The amount of a [[Grant]] is represented using [[amount]] as a [[MonetaryAmount]]."^^xsd:string ;
sh:and ( [ sh:node <> ] [ sh:property [ sh:description "Indicates an item funded or sponsored through a [[Grant]]." ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:name "fundedItem" ;
sh:or ( [ sh:class schema1:Person ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class schema1:Organization ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class schema1:CreativeWork ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] ) ;
sh:path schema1:fundedItem ] ] ) ;
sh:targetClass schema1:Grant .